With guest speaker Gavin Raleigh.
Psalm 146
Mark 12: 28-34
Sunday talks
With guest speaker Gavin Raleigh.
Psalm 146
Mark 12: 28-34
We come to the end of our time in Daniel and see Daniel’s vision of the end times which is a call to keep going in light of the great reward to come.
Daniel 11 & 12
We see Daniel praying in light of God’s rule and engaged in spiritual warfare before he receives his final vision from God.
Daniel 9: 1-6, 14, 20-24
Daniel 10: 1-14
A behind the scenes view of the parallel conflicts between the Lord and forces of darkness in Daniel 7-12.
Daniel 7 & 8
Reflecting on the life well-lived of Daniel but in Daniel 6 we meet him, age eighty, facing his biggest test of faith yet.
Daniel 6
We see how two powerful kings respond to the opportunities given to them to humble themselves before the King of heaven.
Daniel 4: 1-3, 19-34.
Daniel 5: 1-6, 18-31.
In Daniel 2 we see the most powerful man in the world unable to sleep because God has a message for him, a message so relevant to us today too.
Daniel 2
We start a series in the book of Daniel to take us up to the Summer holidays. The overarching theme of the book is that God rules and we will see his hand at work in the lives of four teenage Israelite boys as we look first at Daniel 1.
Daniel 1 & Jeremiah 29: 1-14
We think further on our vision to reach out to others as we complete our series in Luke’s Gospel. The risen Jesus is now raised to the right hand of God and sends his Holy Spirit on believers.
Luke 24: 36-53 & Acts 1: 1-9
Two disciples encounter Jesus unexpectedly and they are changed. That's our vision at John Knox - to encounter Jesus and in obedient worship be changed by him.
Luke 24: 13-35
We return to our series in Luke’s Gospel which will take us up to Easter. Today we’ll be looking at the temptation of Christ and considering what similar temptations we can fall into in our own lives.
Deut 6: 10-19 & Luke 4: 1-15
John Knox Parish Church of Scotland
10 High Street
Ayrshire, KA3 5BX, SCOTLAND
Email: getconnected@johnknox.org.uk
Scottish Charity No: SC015890