Our focus continues on the second coming of the Lord Jesus and how we are to be ready for it.
Luke 12: 35-40
1 Thess 5: 1-11
Sunday talks
Our focus continues on the second coming of the Lord Jesus and how we are to be ready for it.
Luke 12: 35-40
1 Thess 5: 1-11
Our focus in 1 Thessalonians moves to the second coming of the Lord Jesus and what encouragement and hope that can inspire in us.
1 Thess 4: 13-18
Luke 23: 32-43
Paul praises the Thessalonians in their growth in faith, love and hope but encourages to seek to grow even more.
Ephesians 5: 25-32
1 Thessalonians 3: 11-13 & 4: 9-12
Paul encourages the Thessalonians and us to live a holy life in obedience to God’s Word.
Isaiah 6: 1-8
1 Thess 4: 1-8
Continuing our series in 1 Thessalonians.
John 15: 9-17
1 Thessalonians 2: 17 - 3:10
We continue our series in 1 Thessalonians exploring what makes an authentic Christian ministry and what response does it receive.
Matt 13: 1-9; 1 Thess 2: 1-16
We celebrated the sacrament of communion and continued our series in 1 Thessalonians exploring why the newly planted Thessalonian church had such a big impact.
Exodus 19: 1-8 and 1 Thess 1: 1-10
A new series in 1 Thessalonians, a letter written by Paul to a church facing struggles urging them to grow in faith, love and hope more and more.
Acts 17: 1-10; 1 Thess 1: 1-3 & 5: 23-2
On Back to School Sunday we consider the call for us to grow in our knowledge of God whether we are eight or eighty-eight!
1 Kings 3:1-15
Philippians 3: 7-11
We continue looking at the passages for our Showstoppers holiday club in August that cover God’s Big Plan for His people. Today we see the sending of God’s Son to live among us and be our Saviour.
Luke 1: 26-33; Philippians 2: 1-1
We continue looking at the passages for our Showstoppers holiday club in August that cover God’s Big Plan for His people. Today we see the faith and courage of David from whose line would come the ultimate Saviour.
1 Samuel 17: 1-11, 26-37, 41-51
The start of a series on God’s big plan covering the passages that we will be using in the teaching at our Showstoppers holiday club. This week we look at the start of God’s big plan: his good creation.
Genesis 1: 1-5, 26-31
Genesis 3: 1-6, 22-24
With guest speaker Gavin Raleigh.
Exodus 3 : 1-14
John Knox Parish Church of Scotland
10 High Street
Ayrshire, KA3 5BX, SCOTLAND
Email: getconnected@johnknox.org.uk
Scottish Charity No: SC015890