Looking forward to the new school session and considering the call to be good stewards of our talents as we look at Jesus’ parable of the talents.
Joshua 1: 1-9
Matthew 25: 14-30
Sunday talks
Looking forward to the new school session and considering the call to be good stewards of our talents as we look at Jesus’ parable of the talents.
Joshua 1: 1-9
Matthew 25: 14-30
This Sunday we continue our series in the prayers of Jesus and look at his farewell prayer in John 17 where he prays for the disciples and his followers down through the ages, that they would be one.
Romans 8: 31b - 34
John 17: 5 - 26
We continue in our new series in prayer looking at the prayer life of Jesus. Today we look at the first half of Jesus’ model for prayer for his followers, the Lord’s Prayer.
Romans 8: 12-17
Matthew 6: 7-13
On the first Sunday after Easter we're joined by Rev David McAdam of Connect to Community.
Ephesians 1: 15-23
Christ is risen! On Easter Sunday and we turn in our series on people Jesus met to Mary Magdalene, the first witness to the risen Jesus. How was she changed by this amazing privilege?
2 Kings 6: 24-25 & 7: 3-10
John 20: 1-18
Our Palm Sunday service turning in our series on people Jesus met to the crowd who welcomed his approach to Jerusalem. Had they understood? Would they understand?
Zechariah 9: 9-10
John 12: 12-19
we continue our series in John’s Gospel of people Jesus met. Today Jesus meets the sisters Martha and Mary at a time of great darkness and find new life in Jesus.
John 11: 1-3, 17-44
We continue our series in John’s Gospel of people Jesus met. Today Jesus meets a woman caught in adultery who expects punishment but receives only grace and mercy.
Psalm 40: 11-17
John 8: 1-11
Continuing our series in John's Gospel of people Jesus met we come to the royal official who finds his needs met far more than he could ever have hoped.
John 2: 1-11 & 4: 43-54
We continue our series in John’s Gospel of people Jesus met. Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well, a surprising encounter due to all sorts of cultural barriers but one that brought great blessing.
John 4: 1-30, 39-42
Our series in people Jesus met in John’s Gospel. This time we look at Nicodemus who came to Jesus with all the credentials but a big gap in his understanding.
Numbers 21: 4-9
John 3: 1-21
Starting a series in John’s Gospel to take us up to Easter. We’ll be looking at people Jesus met starting with John the Baptist who proved faithful to his calling.
Isaiah 11: 1-9
John 1: 19-34
Jesus reached out to those who were discounted, ignored, mistreated. Jesus goes out of his way to visit Samaria and the woman at the well. He pushed through the barriers to the person. What barriers do we put up? Are there people who we write off? Everyone is welcomed by Jesus. As we remember the sacrifice of others, we remember too the sacrifice of Jesus.
John 4: 1-42
John Knox Parish Church of Scotland
10 High Street
Ayrshire, KA3 5BX, SCOTLAND
Email: getconnected@johnknox.org.uk
Scottish Charity No: SC015890